google-site-verification=zU5U8iS0M4zkkNTbTMjegwnH6-WYFBf6lSBspNQKaJU How o write SEO oriented Content

How To write SEO oriented Content

As the word suggests, Search Engine Optimization is nothing but optimizing our rank on the search engine result pages. There are two types of practices that are taken to rank our website or webpage on search engine results i.e. Search Engine Marketing, which is also known as SEM and another one is SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization. SEM is an online process where one can immediately show its website/webpage at the top of the page by running paid ad campaigns. In contrast, SEO is the process of improving the ranking position on Search results organically without paying and running an ad campaign. For improving ranking position, one must have good and relative content on his/her website or webpage which he/she is trying to rank on Search Engine. Let’s discuss how to write SEO content to improve ranking on search engines with Siddigital.

  1. Keyword research: While writing SEO-oriented content, one must research keyword volume and competition. So that he/she can understand the value of the keyword and on which keyword the website/ webpage can rank better.
  2. Location-based content: Location is one of the important factors that should be taken into the consideration before writing any SEO-oriented content especially when you are running your business in local areas. Location-targeted content helps much better when the user searches for local businesses. For instance, If someone is looking for any Digital Marketing Agency in Navi Mumbai and they will get the first result of Siddigital because Siddigital already has that keyword in its content.
  3. Problems Solving Content: Many times a user searches for the solution for his/her problem on Google. So, if your page has the content where you have mentioned that problem then it will obviously get ranked in Search Engine results. But a problem without a solution is like a luxurious car without fuel. When you put the problem, you must mention the solution to the problem in the content. For e.g., If the user is searching for how to write SEO-oriented content, Siddigital will get attention only if it has mentioned the strategies and tips to write SEO-oriented content because the user puts his problem to find the solution over it.
  4. Using Similar Words and Phrases: While writing SEO-oriented content, never forget to add similar words or phrases that have the same meaning because we can estimate the intention of the user but we never know the keywords he is going to put in his search query. For e.g. to search for SEO content, users can put multiple queries like SEO content strategies, SEO content tips, How to write SEO content, requirements for best SEO content, etc. Each and every query carries the same intention but the keywords are different.
  5. Writing User-oriented Content: Whenever you write content for SEO, always keep in mind that you are writing it for users and not for keywords. Because Google always provides the most related search to the user according to the user query and the user will read it only if he is getting some valuable information from your content.